вторник, 4 апреля 2023 г.

задание 9б (на среду) 9к (на пятницу)

 Сдающим экзамен 1-6 уметь отвечать на микрофон, остальным 1-2

1. Theme: teens feel about their school (075DF0)

1. How many days a week do you go to school?




2. What subjects are you good at?




3. What sports facilities do you have in your school?




4. What after-school activities does your school offer?




5. What do you like most about your school?




6. What would you recommend to a student who wants to improve his or her school results?





2. Theme: how teens feel about holidays and special days (B723F4)

1. How old are you?




2. In what season do you have your birthday?




3. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?




4. What is the best birthday present you have ever had?




5. What other holidays and special days are celebrated in your family?




6. What from your point of view is the best birthday present for a teenager?